"Secure Mailer" is the mailer which realize the security of mobile mailer by quite unique method.Because mail-contents will never been stored in your Android-phone itself, your mails are entirely safe if you lost,stolen your phone."It will never be stolen if it is not there" That's the idea and the reason why we aimed to produce the most secure mailer.Now, It's used as the standard mailer in our company.You can choose the limited edition as "Secure Mailer Lite" and the non limited edition "PRO".【Description】= Features ====- Body of a mail will never been stored in your Android-phone itself,- hence You can't open the attachment-files,- and there is no folder function.- Password input is prompted when "Secure Mailer" starts up.- You can set multiple mail account.- Basic functions(receive/send/forward)- Only the setting is stored in the phone but that is encrypted.
"I lost my phone !"When he noticed so, a night might have passed similar as the usual case. It's too late to protect the information by Remote-wipe after your phone had been stolen by some malicious person in the time. About the attachments, Overconfident of the encryption software is useless without thorough operation.Convenience to check mail in outdoor and guarantee security. From these two view, "Secure Mailer" holds the security never to store the contents of mail in the phone.
= Functions ===="Secure Mailer" has sufficient functions as generic mailer except storing the body of mails.
Also "Secure Mailer" can- receive mails- send mails- forward mails- record read/unread state- record sent state- record forwarded state- record your signature- indicate if attached files exist- skip the huge size mail- list received mails- read HTML type mailand more !
= Special features for "PRO" ====- There are no ADs !- Distill the important information and list up when size of the mail is huge- Can forward mails- Can edit your own signature
Q. I forgot my password to wake the Secure-mailer up.A. Move to "Settings->Apps" and select "Secure Mailer". Then tap "Clear data".You should to reset all of send/receive settings.
Q. It seems the state of read/unread is recorded. Is truly safe?A. Body of the mail is not recorded. Security is guaranteed by only mail-ID is used to determine the state of individual mail.